By June 30, 2025, the Tobacco Prevention and Education Program will collaborate with youth and youth- serving organizations to recruit, retain, develop and train at least 10 youth leaders, advocates and spokespersons to implement program activities and advance tobacco control efforts. At least 50% of the youth will participate in at least 3 meetings, trainings, presentations, data collection efforts, and/or tobacco prevention activities. Contact Traci Osborne for more information on how to get involved. tlosborne@solanocounty.com
By June 30, 2025, at least one jurisdiction in Solano County (Vallejo, Fairfield, or Suisun City) will adopt and implement policy eliminating the sale and/or distribution of any mentholated cigarettes and other flavored tobacco products, and paraphernalia (e.g., smokeless tobacco products, dissolvable tobacco products, flavored premium cigars such as little cigars, cigarillos, hookah tobacco, e-cigarettes, e-hookah, wrappers). The policy will not criminalize purchase, use, or possession of tobacco products by individuals” Contact Tracy Nachand for more information. tnachand@solanocounty.com
By June 30, 2025, at least one city in Solano County (e.g. Fairfield, Suisun City or Vacaville) will adopt a policy designating 100% of individual units (including balconies and patios) in multi-unit housing (MUH) complexes as entirely smoke-free units, including areas at least 30 feet from doors, windows, patios and balconies. Contact Tracy Nachand for more information. tnachand@solanocounty.com
By June 30, 2025, at least one jurisdiction in Solano County (e.g. Fairfield, Suisun City, Rio Vista, or Vacaville) will adopt and implement a policy prohibiting smoking in outdoor dining spaces, beverage and service areas of restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and mobile catering businesses and their service lines. Contact Tracy Nachand for more information. tnachand@solanocounty.com